2025-2026 Forms GM

Listed below are our office’s forms and applications for the Fall 2025, Spring 2026, and Summer 2026 terms.

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Tuition Waivers


Eligibility Criteria

Students must meet all of the following criteria to be considered for Illinois Promise.

  • You and your parent(s) must be Illinois residents.
  • You must have attended and graduated from an Illinois high school.
  • You must be under the age of 24 and admitted as a new freshman or new transfer student.
  • Your Student Aid Index (SAI) determined through the FAFSA must equal 0.
  • Family income must be at or below the federal poverty level. For the 2024-2025 academic year, please see the 2022 federal poverty guidelines below. For the 2025-2026 academic year, please see the 2023 federal poverty guidelines below.

Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

Family size 2022 income numbers 2023 income numbers
For individuals $13,590 $14,580
For a family of 2 $18,310 $19,720
For a family of 3 $23,030 $24,860
For a family of 4 $27,750 $30,000
For a family of 5 $32,470 $35,140
For a family of 6 $37,190 $40,280
For a family of 7 $41,910 $45,420
For a family of 8 $46,630 $50,560
For a family of 9+ Add $4,720 for each extra person Add $5,140 for each extra person

  • Your total family assets must be less than $50,000.
  • You must be enrolled in at least 12 hours during the fall and spring semesters.
  • To be eligible for renewal, students must remain Pell-eligible, family assets must be less than $50,000, and the parent and student must remain Illinois residents.