Failure to uphold any of the responsibilities that you agree to when accepting employment can result in verbal or written warnings or dismissal.
Violations that are cause for warnings that could be followed by dismissal include but are not limited to:
- Minor insubordination
- Disrespect for fellow employees or clients/customers
- Use of work time for something other than work (e.g., phone calls, socializing, homework, or excessive breaks)
- Unsatisfactory work performance
- Repeated tardiness or absences
- Malicious damage to property
- Indecent behavior
Violations related to the lack of completion of any university, state or federal mandated training are cause for a written warning and/or immediate dismissal.
Violations that are more serious justify immediate dismissal. These violations include:
- Theft of any kind
- Extreme insubordination
- Refusal to complete the mandatory annual Ethics Training exercise
- Unauthorized use of university property
- Communication of confidential information
- False reporting of hours worked
- Committing any violation after receiving a prior warning
- Use of alcohol and/or drugs at work
- Sexual harassment
Warning & Dismissal Procedures
Step 1: Verbal Warning
If the situation isn’t resolved after a verbal warning, your supervisor may decide to proceed to step 2.
Step 2: Written Warning
The written warning documents the specific problem(s) and necessary changes requested of you. A copy is forwarded to the Student Employment Unit. Both you and your employer will agree upon a reasonable time frame in which you’ll be expected to show improvement.
At this time, arbitration between yourself and your employer can be requested. Arbitration involves a meeting between you, your supervisor, the department head, and an arbitrator from the Student Employment Unit. After meeting, the department head may choose to do one of two things:
- Continue to employ you until the end of the current semester upon an agreement made between you and your supervisor of the specific expectations and changes requested. At the end of the semester, the supervisor will review your work performance and make a decision regarding your future employment.
- Proceed to Step 3.
If no arbitration is requested, the employer will make the decision to proceed with one of the two decisions listed above.
Step 3: Dismissal
You may be dismissed at any time if you’ve received a prior written warning for continued offenses or irreconcilable disagreements, or for any violations justifying immediate dismissal described above.
Upon dismissal, you’ll receive written notification from the supervisor, who will complete a payroll notification of termination of your appointment.
Right to Recourse & Grievance Procedures
If you’re dissatisfied with your supervisor/employer concerning the warning and dismissal procedure and your treatment, or if you’re dissatisfied with the explanation and/or penalty given by your supervisor, you have the right to request a Special Grievance Review. The Appeals Committee hears all grievance reviews. It’s recommended that all avenues of reconciliation be exhausted before a grievance review is requested.
As used here, the word “grievance” means a complaint brought forth by a student who feels that he or she has been unfavorably affected by a department’s decision relating to employment conditions or by an incorrect interpretation of the university policies related to employment.
If you wish to appeal a department’s decision in relation to your employment and request a Special Grievance Review, you must provide written notice to the Student Employment Unit before proceeding. The written notice must include the following:
- Your name and University Identification Number (UIN)
- Your position title and employing department
- The date of the incident
- A factual description of the incident
- Your specific requests and recommendations in filing the grievance
- Your signature and daytime phone number
A copy of your written grievance will be sent to your supervisor and employing department. Your employing department will have 5 working days to respond to the grievance. After receiving their response, the Appeals Committee will review all written statements and render a decision. In some instances, it may be necessary to meet with both parties. When a decision has been made, both parties will be notified in writing. The decision of the committee is final.